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The Journal of Public Relations Research invites submissions for a special issue on internal communication. As communication within organizations becomes increasingly important in public relations and the scholarship, it is time to review what is new in internal communication. Increasingly, organizations invest considerable human and financial resources in shaping effective internal communication systems. Rapid digitalization has also had a massive effect on communication within organizations. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a huge shift in how we all communicate and a new level of computer-mediated communication (CMC) dominates our private and working lives, forcing a reimagining of traditional organizational boundaries. Employee perception and statements about the organization often form the basis of external stakeholders view of the organization. That is why, shifts in organizational environment drive a review of how internal communication is practiced and defined, especially from a public relations and strategic communication perspective.
Papers submitted to this issue should aim to elaborate, define, and re-define concepts within internal communication. The issue aims to capture the latest research in the field. Approaches from varied disciplines and methodologies are welcomed. A range of topics are also welcome, including but not limited to the following topics:
• Internal communication and issue/crisis management
• Employees’ perception, attitudes, and behaviors
• Employee engagement
• Employee voice and organizational listening
• Internal communication and employee well-being
• Internal communication, (social) media, and technology
• Leadership communication, including organizational advocacy
• Internal communication and change management
• Internal communication measurement
• Cross-cultural/global internal communications
Manuscript and Technical Requirements
• Content shall further JPRR’s primary purpose, which is to create, test, refine, or expand theory in public relations. Authors should explicitly articulate how their scholarship serves the purpose of the journal.
• Content shall reflect the highest standards of scholarship, regardless of the methods used.
• Manuscripts shall be submitted in APA 7 style and edited to the highest standards of English- language grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage, etc.
• Manuscripts shall conform to the Journal’s standard limit of 30 pages of text (not including references, figures, tables). Manuscripts that exceed the standard page limit may be considered if the authors (a) justify the manuscript length in their cover letter and (b) keep to a reasonable length appropriate for the nature of the research method and the subject studied.
• Authors shall take care to indicate in the online manuscript submission system that their submission is, in fact, intended for the special issue on Reviewing Internal Communication. Failure to make this indication (in the cover letter AND in the appropriate selection box) will lead to the manuscript being entered into the Journal’s regular review process, rather than the special issue process.
Important Dates
September, 15, 2023 (Initial manuscript submissions due from authors); February 2024: Publication of special issue.
Contact Guest Editor Ana Tkalac Verčič (