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We have heard from several of you that you are excited at the prospect of being back in beautiful Bled for 29th BledCom conference to savor camaraderie with colleagues and friends in a beautiful setting. Those thoughts keep us excited at the prospect of having an in-person conference!
We have heard from several of you that you are excited at the prospect of being back in beautiful Bled for 29th BledCom conference to savor camaraderie with colleagues and friends in a beautiful setting. Those thoughts keep us excited at the prospect of having an in-person conference!
But we are also pragmatic in recognizing that public health authorities may have other ideas depending on the vagaries of the pandemic at various parts of the world.
So, we have decided that BledCom 2022 will be delivered in hybrid format offering both in-person and online access with the goal of broadening participation. So, as you plan your abstract submission you may rest assured that you will be able to participate actively in BledCom 2022 by choosing either mode.
We have begun exploring the platform for online participation and we shall keep you updated on the details.
In the meantime, please note that the 2022 conference theme is: Reboot: Should Organizations Rediscover Communication with Internal & External Stakeholders? Please be reminded that paper abstracts and panel proposals by February 1, 2022. The call for papers is available at