Author name
The theme of the 30th conference is "Public Relations and Sustainability«. BledCom invites abstracts that are between 500 and 800 words (including title and keywords) with up to 5 references. We welcome ALL papers that are relevant to public relations and communication management and not just papers that discuss the conference theme. We also welcome panel proposals.
Please submit paper abstracts and panel proposals via email to by February 1, 2023 (Midnight CEST). Decisions will be made by March 4, 2023 after peer review.
Format your abstract proposals as follows: Introduction and purpose of the study (and research question if there is one) – helps summarize the purpose and rationale of your study. Literature review – Helps place your work in context with the existing body of knowledge. Methodology – Define the main method used for gathering data including sample size, and state the rationale for using this method. Results and conclusions – Helps summarize the answers to the research questions while also outlining the implications of the results. Also summarize the limitations of the study and offer suggestions for future research. Practical and social implications – Offer the potential implications both for practice and society. Also provide us with 3 to 5 keywords that highlight your study. Abstracts should come as blind copies without author names and affiliations, who are to be identified on on a separate cover page. Please use the suggested headings to structure the abstract. A list of literature is not necessary, but if it is provided it is included into the word count.
Full papers not exceeding 6.000 words will be due by September 16, 2023 for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The Program Committee will also be guest editing a special issue of Corporate Communications: An International Journal. Papers presented at BledCom 2023 will be considered for publication in the special issue.
BledCom 2023 Call for Papers is available here: